Site map
An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description.
- About us
Media centre
- For the media
- Announcements from 2025
Announcements from 2024
- Response to a request for an inquiry
- Our intentions: Supporting people in immediate housing need
- Our intentions: Looking at how councils are planning for flood protection
- Media release: Auditor-General highlights need for improvements to skilled residence visa system
- Media release: New global tool assesses public sector’s climate change response
- Media release: Clear strategy, community engagement, and regular reporting the key to councils’ climate response
- How Ministerial conflicts of interest were identified and managed in relation to Fast-track projects
- Media release: Better information needed to help reduce inequities in student achievement, Auditor-General says
- Inquiry into Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children’s procurement and contract management practices
- Media release: Council continues improvements to Auckland’s emergency preparedness, says Deputy Auditor-General
- Our intentions: Looking at Auckland Transport’s work to ensure that public transport in Tāmaki Makaurau is reliable
- Media release: Working with iwi and hapū a core capability for councils’ freshwater management, says Auditor-General
- Media release: Auditor-General publishes independent review of counting errors during the 2023 General Election
- Our intentions: Inspecting vehicles for safety
- Media release: Importers of higher-risk food need better monitoring, says Auditor-General
- Media release: Coordinated action required to meet young people’s mental health needs: Auditor-General
- Our intentions: Immigration New Zealand and skilled residence visas
- Our intentions: Cyber security governance in public organisations
- Follow-up review of Auckland Council’s emergency preparedness
- Our intentions: How well are public organisations meeting their Treaty settlement commitments?
Announcements from 2023
- Update on audit timelines
- Our intentions: Looking at how the Ministry of Education uses information to address inequities in education
- Media release: Auditor-General - More to do to support Whānau Ora
- Auditor-General: NZDF still has much work to do on Operation Respect
- New Deputy Controller and Auditor-General
- Report highlights lessons for public organisations supporting improved outcomes for Māori
- Work to eliminate family violence and sexual violence needs more urgent focus
- Improvements needed to Auckland’s emergency management
- Housing and urban development: Strategies in place, now it’s time to deliver
- Our intentions: Examining the effectiveness of government arrangements to address child poverty
- Our intentions: How well MPI monitors importers of higher-risk food
- Our intentions: How well councils are implementing climate change actions
- Findings from inquiry into Callaghan Innovation’s procurement process published
- Auditor-General review of quality assurance procedures for vote count in the general election
- Media release: Robust investment decision-making requires good processes — even when quick decisions are needed
Announcements from 2022
- Media release: Inquiry into the Strategic Tourism Assets Protection Programme
- Our intentions: Looking at how well the public sector meets the needs of those affected by family violence and sexual violence
- Our intentions: Looking at the effectiveness of mental health and addiction services for young people
- Our intentions: Looking at integrity practices in central government emergency procurement
- Media release: Auditor-General report examines all-of-government Covid-19 response in critical first year
Announcements from 2021
- Inquiry into aspects of the Strategic Tourism Assets Protection Programme
- Our intentions: Looking at the central response to Covid-19
- Our intentions: Looking at how well the Government is planning and managing the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out
- Our intentions: Looking at how significant investment decisions are made
- Shortage of auditors affecting when some audits can be completed
- Statutory reporting time frames to be extended to respond to auditor shortages
- Our intentions: Starting our review of the New Zealand Defence Force
- Update on the completion of 30 June 2021 audits
- Our intentions: Looking at how well the public sector is supporting the Whānau Ora approach
- Our intentions: Looking at how well the public sector is supporting improved outcomes for Māori
- Our intentions: Looking at the leadership of the housing and urban development system
- Media release: Government’s commitment to sustainable development goals needs greater clarity
- Media release: Inquiry into management fees paid by two Auckland schools published
- Media release: Inquiry into the Ministry of Social Development’s funding of private rental properties for emergency housing
Announcements from 2020
- COVID-19 statement
- Auditing in the context of COVID-19
- COVID-19: Important governance matters to consider
- Independent review of the management of personal protective equipment
- Advice to the Epidemic Response Committee inquiry into the Government's response to Covid-19
- Reappointment of Deputy Controller and Auditor-General
- Update on the progress of our review of personal protective equipment
- Auditor-General supports proposal to extend statutory reporting time frames
- Our intentions: Looking at governance of the Auckland City Rail Link project
- Our intentions: Looking at how effectively a joint venture has been set up to reduce family violence and sexual violence
- Legislation passed to extend reporting time frames
- Our intentions: Looking at how the Wage Subsidy Scheme is managed
- Our intentions: Reviewing New Zealand’s preparedness to implement the Sustainable Development Goals
- Our intentions: Understanding and managing the risks of a failure by a strategic supplier
Announcements from 2019
- Our intentions: Looking at the functional leadership role for public sector procurement
- Management, monitoring, and evaluation of the Provincial Growth Fund
- Our intentions: Reviewing Auckland Council's work on disaster preparedness and resilient communities
- Our intentions: Looking at how well the New Zealand Transport Agency manages its contracts to maintain state highways
- Our intentions: Looking at how the Inland Revenue Department tracks the benefits of its Business Transformation programme
- Our intentions: Looking at the firearms buy-back scheme
Announcements from 2018
- Kāpiti Coast District Council's proposal to invest funds
- Submission on the review of Tomorrow's Schools
- Request to inquire into Mudtopia
- Tasman District Council and the proposed Waimea dam
- Submission on establishing an independent infrastructure body
- Implementation of the new bus network and services in Wellington City
- Partnership schools: Request for investigation
- New Controller and Auditor-General
- Bus network
Announcements from 2017
- Insuring public assets: our intentions
- Statement from the Controller and Auditor-General
- Statement from the Deputy Controller and Auditor-General
- Ministry of Defence Major Projects Report 2016 published
- Response to the Report of the Havelock North Drinking Water Inquiry
- Inquiry into Waikato District Health Board’s procurement of services from HealthTap
Announcements from 2016
- Kaipara District Council claim settled
- Response to query about Housing New Zealand processes
- Application for an exemption or a declaration by Cr Hewitt
- Response to request for inquiry into awarding a management contract for a hotel in Niue
- New Controller and Auditor-General
- Wellington building closed
Announcements from 2015
- Inquiry into Auckland Council’s management of the project to develop a new town centre at Massey North
- Making our website more responsive
- Auditor-General’s findings about AgResearch’s Future Footprint project
- Health Promotion Agency - Katherine Rich - possible conflicts of interest
- Inquiry into how the Queenstown Lakes District Council and its chief executive have managed the chief executive’s interest in a proposed special housing area
- New office accommodation needed in Palmerston North
- Response to queries about recovery from the Canterbury earthquakes
- Auditor-General to inquire into the Saudi Arabia Food Security Partnership
- New Deputy Controller and Auditor-General
- Kaipara District Council: The Auditor-General’s decision on requests to make a report under section 44 of the Local Government Act 2002
- Request for inquiry into the regulation of the ancient swamp kauri industry
- Award for Auditor-General’s outstanding contribution
- Announcements from 2014
Announcements from 2013
- Decision on request to inquire into the management, governance, and oversight of Solid Energy Limited
- Controller and Auditor-General considering request
- Auditor-General's response to Hon Trevor Mallard's request
- Inquiry into Mayor Aldo Miccio's management of his role as mayor and his private business interests
- Christchurch City Council rates resolution
- Expected publishing date for report on Mangawhai community wastewater scheme
- Announcements from 2012
Announcements from 2011
- Provision of billboard for Len Brown's Mayoral Campaign
- Our review of the Northland Events Centre Project
- Reducing disclosures to enable more meaningful reporting
- Deciding on a cross-cutting theme for 2012/13
- Auditor-General welcomes New Zealand's "clean" ranking at top of 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index
Announcements from 2010
- Inquiry into certain types of expenditure in Vote Ministerial Services
- Decision from the Auditor-General's office about Manukau Mayor's purchasing card expenditure
- Workshops to support improvements in service performance information
- Hutt City Council's practices for recovering money owed by commercial ratepayers
- Inquiry into payments to chief executives of dissolving local authorities in Auckland
- Auditor-General says more public benefit in fixing system than investigating Pansy Wong
Announcements from 2009
- Inquiry into Auckland Regional Council's role in the LA Galaxy football team's visit to Auckland
- Inquiry into how the Ministry of Education managed the 2008 national school bus transport tender process
- Inquiry into alleged breach of the Local Authorities (Members' interests) Act 1968
- Inquiry into Auckland City Council's management of footpath contracts
- Announcements from 2008
Announcements from 2007
- Our website has been redesigned
- Performance audit into systems and processes for managing conflicts of interest in the Auckland regional District Health Boards
- The Auditor-General's position on publicity by the Labour parliamentary party
- Clarification on conflicts of interest
- Auditor-General’s inquiry into arrangements by Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council to fund development of new stadium
- Auditor-General’s inquiry into Development West Coast
Announcements from 2003
- Progress On the Inquiry into Television New Zealand Limited, New Zealand Post Limited, and Industrial Research Limited Chairperson's Expenses
- Progress On the Inquiry into Television New Zealand Limited, New Zealand Post Limited, and Industrial Research Limited Chairperson's Expenses
- Progress On the Inquiry into Television New Zealand Limited, New Zealand Post Limited, and Industrial Research Limited Chairperson's Expenses
Announcements from 2004
- Investigation completed of a complaint against Mr David Braithwaite, Mayor of Hamilton City
- Inquiry into Funding Arrangements for Māori Education Trust Scholarships
- Inquiry into the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology's Management of Conflicts of Interest Concerning Brylton Software Limited
- Inquiry into Cambridge High School’s management of conflicts of interest concerning Cambridge International College
- Auditor-General to provide assurance for WCC vote counting
- Announcements from 2005
Announcements from 2006
- Controller and Auditor-General to report on election advertising spending
- Auditor-General's inquiry into certain allegations involving Housing New Zealand Corporation
- Inquiry into certain allegations involving Housing New Zealand Corporation
- Finalisation of the Auditor-General's inquiry into certain allegations about Housing New Zealand Corporation
- Central plains water scheme
- New date for election advertising report
- Media releases: Reports
- Our work by region
- Accountability
- Advertising and publicity
- Annual audit highlights
- Asset management
- Climate change
- Controller function
- Corporate documents
- Covid-19
- Crisis response and recovery
- Defence
- Education
- Environment
- Family violence
- Follow-up responses
- Funding/grant programmes
- Health
- Housing
- Information technology
- Inquiry reports
- Integrity
- Justice
- Local government
- Long-term plan (LTP) publications
- Māori entities or kaupapa
- Parliament and MPs
- Performance reporting
- Procurement
- Sensitive expenditure
- Transport
- Water management
- Speeches and presentations
Good practice
- Principles behind good practice
- Audit and Risk Committees
- Conflicts of interest
- Discouraging fraud
- Good governance
- Integrity and how to support it
Performance reporting
- The basics
- Picture: Features of good performance reporting
- Being accountable to New Zealanders
- Setting the performance reporting framework
- Performance indicators
- Essential qualities of performance reporting
- Local government planning and reporting on performance
- Good practice in reporting about performance
- A list of our resources on performance reporting
- Procurement
- Sensitive expenditure
- Severance payments
- Forums for audit and risk committee chairpersons
- Leaders Integrity Forums
Good practice events
- Navigating with Integrity: Lessons from Baroness Casey when integrity is tested
- Regulating a freestyle event: The Sport Integrity Commission Te Kahu Raunui Journey
- The public sector's response to Covid-19
- Supporting and promoting integrity in public sector workplaces
- Fees and levies
- Managing conflicts of interest in procurement
- Performance reporting
- A culture of integrity: Public sector challenges in a post-Covid-19 world
- Insights and reflections from OAG work: An integrity perspective
- Putting integrity at the heart of how public organisations operate
PASAI events
- Supporting national anti-corruption initiatives
- Launching the latest accountability and transparency report
- Strengthening collaborative efforts with media
- Building strong national integrity institutions
- Enabling integrity systems to thrive
- Strengthening public sector integrity to combat corruption
- Anti-corruption Day 2021
- Strengthening collaborative efforts by legislatures and Supreme Audit Institutions
- Preventing corruption and strengthening integrity
- Strengthening integrity from the inside: Spotlight on the role of internal auditors
- Integrity day