We host a range of events
Other events: Audit New Zealand has resumed its events for the public sector, online and covering a wide range of topics. For more information and how to register, see: Information updates — Audit New Zealand

Forums for audit and risk committee chairpersons
We host regular webinars so audit and risk committee chairpersons in the public sector can share best practice and learn from each other. The discussions are not made available publicly, to encourage free and frank sharing of challenges and solutions or approaches.

Public Sector Integrity Day
On Friday 21 February 2025, we're again raising awareness of the importance of integrity in the public sector. We want people to understand why it matters, so we're creating opportunities for conversations in public sector agencies about integrity issues.

PASAI and Pacific auditing events
The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions works throughout the Pacific to build capacity and capability and advocate for improvements to integrity systems. The focus is on sharing and creating a community of good practice.
As the Secretariat for PASAI, we host quarterly integrity-themed webinars for audit institutions in the Pacific region.

Events about good practice
Check out our past and future events about a range of good practice topics.
Several past events have the slide decks and video recordings available.

TINZ Leaders Integrity Forums
We provide support for these forums organised by Transparency International New Zealand. They're an opportunity for senior public leaders to discuss matters of mutual interest, share their experiences, and discuss good practice. Some are summarised in blog posts.