17 July 2024: We will be carrying out an audit to determine how well public organisations are set up to meet their Treaty settlement commitments.
Recent announcements
Please note...
If the Auditor-General decides to carry out an inquiry, the Office won't normally have any comment to make until we release a report. It is hard to predict what might emerge or transpire as we carry out an inquiry so it is equally hard to predict when we might be ready to report our findings.
11 July 2024: We are looking at the Council's responses to reviews after extreme weather events in early 2023, and its emergency preparedness more generally.
21 May 2024: The Auditor-General has followed up on a previous recommendation to consider how well four regional councils work with iwi and hapū to manage freshwater quality.
7 May 2024: The Auditor-General has independently reviewed the Electoral Commission’s quality assurance processes for counting votes.
4 April 2024: We are looking at whether cyber security risks are governed effectively in selected public organisations.