Media kit Media kit Report cover oThe Government’s preparedness to implement the sustainable development goals Figure 1 - The United Nations sustainable development goals Figure 2 - Examples of different types of global targets for the sustainable development goals Figure 3 - The LinkedSDGs assessment of how Our Plan: The Government's priorities for New Zealand aligns with the sustainable development goals Figure 4 - Extent to which the 17 sustainable development goals are reflected in priorities and policy development Figure 5 - Extent to which sampled policies and initiatives refer to the sustainable development goals or include the targets Figure 6 - Extent to which agencies agreed or disagreed with leadership and accountability statements for the 17 sustainable development goals Figure 7 - Indicators from Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa – Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand mapped to the global indicators for each sustainable development goal Figure 8 - How the Waikato Wellbeing Project uses the sustainable development goals for its framework Figure 9 - Number of sustainable development goals where surveyed agencies have engaged with different stakeholder groups on work relevant to that goal Spokesperson: Jason Hewett