About this site
Site owner
This site is owned and maintained by the Communications and Engagement Team, which is part of the Auditor-General's Strategy and Communications Group. We also maintain the Audit New Zealand website.
Acknowledgements and credits
Our homepage features appropriately sourced or purchased photographs from:
- BenLevyPhotography, iStock - view of Auckland city
- Tom Ackroyd, Wikimedia Commons - Parliament buildings panorama
- Dmitri Ogleznev, iStock - view of Mission Bay
- Donald Iain Smith, Getty Images - family in tree
- Kerensa Clark, Truestock - Port Chalmers
- Kerensa Clark, Truestock - Sumner Beach
- Kerensa Clark, Truestock - Timaru street
- Lynley Jenkins - Parliament Buildings.
We thank the creators of Really Responsive Social sharing buttons used on this website and reproduced under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.
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The Auditor-General holds the copyright on all information available on or through this website. You can reproduce our material for personal or in-house use without further permission, as long as you reproduce it accurately, do not seek to mislead anyone with it, and acknowledge the source. For any other use, please contact the author (where named) in the first instance or email webmaster@oag.parliament.nz.
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This doesn’t affect contact information that you provide us so we can keep you informed about our work. Instead, the purpose of the exemption is to protect evidence we gather when carrying out our statutory functions (including audits, performance audits, and inquiries).
The exemption is there because our powers can compel individuals or agencies to provide us with information – sometimes overriding other secrecy or confidentiality requirements. This creates strong obligations for how securely we treat that information.
Please note that our Office is not subject to the Official Information Act 1982 (instead, we have a discretion under the Public Audit Act 2001 to disclose information).
Questions about this website
For more information, please email the webmaster@oag.parliament.nz, or call us (+64 4 917 1500), or write to us. Our postal address is:
Communications and Engagement Team
Office of the Auditor-General
PO Box 3928
Wellington 6140
You can also use our feedback form, if that's easier for you.
We do our best to ensure that the publications and other information on this website are up to date. However, we cannot guarantee complete accuracy: some information in a publication will inevitably lose relevance or currency over time, and any guidance material is necessarily general in nature and cannot provide comprehensive answers for all situations.
You shouldn't treat information on this website as amounting to definitive professional advice about any specific matter, and we don't accept legal responsibility for reliance on information on this website.
Page last updated: 27 July 2023