December 2011: ISBN 978-0-478-38331-7 (print) and ISBN 978-0-478-38332-4 (online).
December 2011: ISBN 978-0-478-38331-7 (print) and ISBN 978-0-478-38332-4 (online).
December 2011: This report provides an overview of the results of our audits of, and work with, public entities in the education sector in 2010/11...
November 2011: This discussion paper has been written to inform public sector leaders and decision-makers considering partnering with the private sector about the general features of PPPs and the factors that are seen as important in sustaining an appropriate "enabling" environment for all PPPs...
November 2011: Results of a survey on fraud awareness, prevention, and detection in New Zealand’s public sector...
September 2011: We carried out a performance audit of the Treasury's implementation and management of the Crown Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme, given the Scheme's significance for our economy at the time and the amount of money involved...
September 2011: We audited how well Transpower is managing risks to the transmission system. We wanted to establish whether the owner and operator of the national electricity grid understood well the capacity constraints facing the grid and the risks posed by the condition of the grid assets, and was using this understanding to better maintain and invest in the grid...
September 2011, ISSN 1179-8963 (print), ISSN 1179-8971 (online).
September 2011: We carried out an audit to provide an independent view of how effectively four selected regional councils are managing and controlling land use and related activities for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing freshwater quality in their regions...
September 2011: This discussion paper sets out the legal requirements, provides examples of improved reporting, and aims to encourage ongoing improvements in local authorities' performance reporting...
September 2011: This is the second of two reports presenting the findings of our performance audits on NZTA's maintenance and renewal of the network...
September 2011: We examined the effectiveness of government support for Māori seeking to build housing on their land. We found that, despite good intentions, the process to build a house on Māori land is fraught. Lessons have not been learned from past attempts, so the initiatives are not effectively targeted and the processes are not streamlined...
September 2011: This report sets out our conclusions on our inquiry into the use of parliamentary travel entitlements by Mr and Mrs Wong, while Mrs Wong was a member of Parliament (MP)...
August 2011: This document informs public entities and their auditors about how the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) operates and how it is likely to affect them. It summarises information about the ETS that we have gathered from the Ministry for the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Ministry of Economic Development…
August 2011: A letter from the Auditor-General to the Chief Executives of Auckland Council and Watercare Services Limited on governance issues and a report on our initial findings and recommendations for Watercare to consider when developing its long-term plans for asset management and for funding arrangements...
August 2011: This document sets out the processes that the Auditor-General uses to appoint auditors and set audit fees in a way that is sound, fair, and transparent...
July 2011: We carried out a performance audit to establish how effective the Ministry of Health and district health boards are in ensuring that, where appropriate, people aged 65 and over (older people) get the care and support they need to remain living independently at home...
July 2011: We carried out a performance audit to review how effectively the New Zealand Customs Service plans and supports its revenue assurance activities...
June 2011: We carried out a performance audit to see how effective Inland Revenue is in making it easy for taxpayers to comply with their obligations to pay tax. As part of the audit, we tested Inland Revenue's website with two groups of taxpayers – tradespeople and rental property owners – who had new tax obligations...
June 2011: This paper is aimed at government departments and Crown entities that prepare annual reports of their performance for external publication under the Public Finance Act or the Crown Entities Act...
June 2011: ISSN 1178-8488 (print), ISSN 1179-7339 (online).
June 2011: This report assesses progress made in achieving the government strategy "Reduced Waiting Times for Public Hospital Elective Services". There has been good progress over 10 years but there is more to do to ensure that patients are assessed in a nationally consistent way, and seen and treated in priority order...
June 2011: This report summarises our auditing of the financial and service performance statements in the final annual reports of the eight dissolved Auckland local authorities and 19 terminated council-controlled organisations. The report also looks at the effects on local authorities of leaky home liabilities - effects greatest in cities, especially Auckland...
May 2011, ISSN 1179-7347 (print), ISSN 1179-7355 (online).
April 2011: This report sets out our view on the progress that five public entities have made in responding to recommendations that we made in 2008 and 2009.
April 2011: We carried out a performance audit to assess how well the Ministry of Social Development manages the recovery of money owed to the Ministry.
April 2011, ISBN 978-0-478-32694-9 (print), ISBN 978-0-478-32695-6 (online).
March 2011: ISBN 978-0-478-32692-5 (print) and ISBN 978-0-478-32693-2 (online).
February 2011: This document has been written to help district health boards (DHBs) as they prepare their 2011-14 and future Statements of Intent (SOIs)...
February 2011: The purpose of this discussion paper is to help public entities improve the information they use to forecast what their performance will be in providing services to the public – and how they report that forecast to Parliament and to the public...