December 2008: We carried out a performance audit to provide Parliament with assurance about the effectiveness of the systems and processes Housing New Zealand Corporation uses to maintain state housing...
December 2008: We carried out a performance audit to provide Parliament with assurance about the effectiveness of the systems and processes Housing New Zealand Corporation uses to maintain state housing...
October 2008: We audited how the Ministry of Health has monitored progress toward the Primary Health Care Strategy’s goals. Overall, the Ministry needs to review its measures to ensure that it can assess progress toward all of the goals in the Strategy’s vision statement...
September 2008, ISBN 978-0-478-32618-5.
August 2008: We carried out a performance audit that looked at the Ministry of Education's arrangements to support the professional development of primary and secondary school teachers after they have graduated from a teacher education programme...
August 2008: Nicola White (Assistant Auditor-General, Legal) presented slides and a supporting paper at the New Zealand Law Society's CLE Ltd Administrative Law Intensive.
August 2008: The Auditor-General decided in October last year to conduct an inquiry into the operations of the West Coast Development Trust (the Trust), after receiving information on the workings of the Trust, including allegations of conflicts of interest...
July 2008: We carried out a performance audit to provide assurance about the effectiveness of Ontrack’s systems for maintaining and renewing the rail network...
June 2008: An interim report setting out a high-level summary of cost and time frame changes for 10 defence projects...
June 2008: Overall, the Ministry provides some useful training and general support for all boards. It also has good systems for supporting boards that are clearly at risk of poor performance. We have made nine recommendations.
June 2008: This good practice guide has been updated. Please see our 2021 edition: Setting and administering fees and levies for cost recovery: Good practice guide.
June 2008: Overall, the poor quality of non-financial performance reporting by public entities is disappointing. It needs to improve significantly to allow Parliament and the public to hold public entities accountable for their use of taxes and rates...
June 2008, ISBN 978-0-478-32610-9.
June 2008: We looked at how an entity put the principles and risk-based approach we expect into practice in its funding arrangements with NGOs...
June 2008: This guide outlines our view of the good practice that public entities should use to procure goods or services...
June 2008: The aim of this guide is to help public entities make informed decisions and manage risks when funding an external party...
June 2008: The Accident Compensation Corporation has carried out useful work leading the strategy, but progress has been uneven. We identified two matters for ACC's immediate attention - its leadership mandate and the evaluation framework...
June 2008: Overall, the Ministry has good systems, policies, and procedures for preventing, detecting, and investigating benefit fraud. We have made eight recommendations...
May 2008: We carried out a performance audit of the Guardians to provide independent assurance to Parliament about whether the Superannuation Fund is being prudently governed and managed...
May 2008: At the Minister of Transport’s request, we looked at how the Civil Aviation Authority and the Ministry of Transport considered, responded to, and reported on each of the Coroner’s recommendations...
May 2008, ISSN 1178-8488.
Report on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Office of the Auditor-General of New Zealand by an International Peer Review Team, published in March 2008...
May 2008, ISBN 978-0-478-32602-4.
April 2008: We looked at an IRD programme that sought to reduce the incidence of undeclared income from cash transactions...
Updated content about audit committees is now in the "Audit committee resources" section under "Our work".
March 2008: We assessed the extent to which New Zealand Trade and Enterprise had addressed the areas of concern identified when we last examined its administration of grant programmes...
March 2008: We conducted a performance audit that focused on the effectiveness of the agencies' systems for delivering mental health services to sentenced and remand prisoners...
February 2008: Speech made by Kevin Brady, Auditor-General, at the After the Reforms Conference in Wellington.
January 2008: We examined the effectiveness of the New Zealand Agency for International Development's management of overseas aid programmes...