Appendix 2: Index of questions to consider

Effectiveness of the Get Checked diabetes programme.
Knowing who has been diagnosed with diabetes and whether they are getting checked
1 Have you identified all of the people in your district who have been diagnosed with diabetes by ensuring your diabetes register is accurate and up to date?
2 Have you identified those patients diagnosed with diabetes who are not taking part in the programme and made sure they have been asked if they would like to take part?
3 Where GPs may not be promoting and supporting those diagnosed with diabetes to take part in the programme, have you (or your programme administrator or PHOs) considered whether you need to address concerns that GPs in your district might have about the Get Checked programme?
Analysing, reporting, and using information from diabetes services
4 If the GPs in your district are not receiving regular reports on the Get Checked programme, have you identified what needs to be done to achieve regular reporting and are you addressing the problem?
5 Have you considered (either individually or with other DHBs or organisations) carrying out further analysis (for example, cohort analysis) using the data from the Get Checked programme to identify improvements that could be made to diabetes care?
6 Are you collecting enough information to identify any shortages in your specialist diabetes services and taking action to provide more services where they are needed?
7 Are you using information about the potential incidence of complications from diabetes to inform your service planning?
Checking the quality of the service
8 Have you considered whether you or your PHO(s) should inform and complement the support and education for general practices with more in-depth audits of their diabetes care?
9 Are you, your programme administrator, or your PHO(s) checking that diabetes treatment plans are of an acceptable quality?
10 Are you, your programme administrator, or your PHO(s) working to improve the effectiveness of the treatment plans in improving self-management of diabetes where there is evidence of a lack of progress?
Making it easier to take part in the programme
11 Are you working to identify why patients are not taking part in the Get Checked programme?
12 Do you have initiatives in place to remove barriers to diabetes care for Māori and Pacific Island peoples?
13 Have you established whether groups other than Māori and Pacific Island peoples in your district are satisfactorily accessing diabetes care, and do you have arrangements to support access by these groups where it is needed?
14 Do you know whether initiatives you and your PHOs have to remove barriers to accessing diabetes care are effective, and are you sharing successful initiatives within your district and with other DHBs?
Working with local diabetes teams
15 If your LDT is not working as effectively as it should be, what are you doing to help it be more effective?
16 Are you helping your LDT to analyse information from secondary care to identify service shortages?
17 Are you giving your LDT’s reports, including any recommendations, due consideration and responding to them in a timely manner?
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