Annual plan 2024/25

27 June 2024: Our annual plan outlines our programme of work for 2024/25, which includes performance audits, special studies, regular reports and updates, and good practice guidance. This work considers issues facing the public sector and how we can best use our role to influence positive change.
John Ryan


"The public sector operates in a challenging and dynamic environment. Our annual plan reflects these challenges and where we believe we can best use our role to influence positive change."

Annual plan

Our 2024/25 work programme

Our work programme sets out the discretionary work that the Auditor-General intends to carry out during 2024/25. This summary outlines the estimated timing for the completion of the work programme.

What's in our annual plan?

An independent view of public sector performance

We describe the role and functions of the Controller and Auditor-General and how through our work we aim to improve trust in, and the performance of, public organisations.


How we determine our work programme

We seek advice from those working in, or with, the public sector. Central and local government advisory groups and a rōpū Māori help us to better understand current themes and challenges. Our discussions with select committees and members of Parliament also provide us with important information. 


Strengthening our core assurance role

We have a range of work planned and under way to continue strengthening the public audit system. In 2024/25 we will audit about 3300 public organisations.


Increasing our impact with public organisations

As the auditor of every public organisation, we are in a unique position to influence improvements in performance and accountability practices across the public sector, including raising issues that we observe from our work and promoting examples of good practice in matters we have particular interest and expertise in.


Enhancing our impact in te ao Māori

Data regularly demonstrates that Māori experience poorer social and economic outcomes and generally have lower levels of trust in government compared to some other population groups. In 2024/25, we want to continue building the relevance and impact of our work for Māori.


Building on our reputation as a source of trusted information

We aim to be balanced and fair while fulfilling our independent mandate and carrying out our statutory functions to help Parliament and the public hold public organisations to account.


Our international work

We will continue to use our influence and reputation to support PASAI by closely collaborating with SAIs and the Secretariat team to advocate for SAI independence and effective public administration systems in the Pacific.


Feedback on our draft annual plan

Response to feedback on our draft annual plan.


Public organisations we audit

Summary of the public organisations we audit, as at 1 June 2024